Aanandita Kapoor is a high school student at The International School Bangalore. She is a passionate student of sciences and a researcher. She loves French, music and psychology as well. Being a sports enthusiast, she is her happiest self on the basketball court and loves to be outdoors.
As someone who moved 2500 miles away from home to experience boarding life and the resilience that comes with it, the Covid19 pandemic threw a big challenge. Like everyone else her age, the pandemic forced her to be home bound for more than a year, having peer interaction only in form of virtual meetings and study groups.
A firm believer in science, she feels that vaccination is the only way out of this pandemic and back into a safer and better world. Looking at the abysmally slow rate of vaccination, knowing that a major part of it fueled by the reluctance in people to get vaccinated, she co-founded this advocacy group with her friend.
By setting up this group, she intends to motivate more and more people to get rid of their apprehensions and get themselves vaccinated. She firmly believes that it is the young brigade who has to take charge and bring about this change.